Bury Live Well Service
The Live Well Service offers support on a range of lifestyle related topics, including smoking, alcohol, sleep issues, long term condition management, diet, breastfeeding, becoming more active and looking after your mental wellbeing.
People who are referred into the service for support are contacted by a trained staff member and an assessment of health and wellbeing needs taken.
Information and support is provided on how to identify and then set SMART goals, and the service will refer on or signpost other agencies as need dictates.
Clients are offered 6-8 appointments according to need, and an holistic assessment is taken of current eating habits, health issues, physical activity levels, sleep quality and alcohol consumption.
To access the service you can self-refer at: www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=14884 or by calling 07583 003378 / 07811428395 Mon-Fri, 09:00 ''' 17:00 or 0161 253 7575 (Option 3) at any time and leaving a voicemail message.